Know a teenager? Check out!

Morgan Baden  //  Sep 20, 2013

Know a teenager? Check out!

Choices magazine is proud to announce the birth of our brand-spanking new blog, TeenBeing: For all the adults who are helping teens make great decisions.

While putting together the magazine every month, we come into contact with a ton of useful resources, amazing experts, interesting research tidbits, and teen-world trends—some inspiring, some worrying; some that make us laugh, some that make us think. But the one thing they have in common is that they’re all important to parents, teachers, and other adults responsible for guiding, raising, teaching, or being a role model for teenagers.

And since everyone likes lists, here are 6 Reasons You Should Read TeenBeing Every Day (and share it with everyone you know):

  1. Learn useful tools for making teens’ lives less stressful and more productive.  For example, who wouldn’t want to know how to use body language to feel more powerful? Or how to help your teen to stop procrastinating?
  2. Find out what’s happening under the adult radar. My 15-year-old has only heard the sound of a dial-up modem because he clicked on link from Buzzfeed. It’s scary to think of what our teens don’t know about—but even scarier to think of what they know and adults are still figuring out! At TeenBeing, we’re keeping up with (and explaining) all of the newest apps and shocking digital trends (have you heard about cyber-hitch hiking?) and sharing the facts about the little-known substances that are suddenly making headlines.
  3. Discover great healthy recipes. We’re not all gloom and doom over here. Our Monday Munchies series shares nutrient-packed yummy ideas for meals that your teens can make themselves.
  4. Get the latest anti-bullying developments and news. From cool ways to teach teens about bullying to coverage of how communities around the country are handling these difficult issues, we’re toplining the latest tools and dedicated experts.
  5. Watch the Best. Explainer-video. Ever. On how to read nutrition labels—not to brag or anything, but we watched a lot of confusing, snooze-y videos… until we realized the teens of America deserve better and made our own.
  6. Help your teens make the best Choices. Our magazine isn’t only for health and life skills teachers to hand out in the classroom. All middle and high school students need deeply researched, compellingly written stories about how to navigate their lives in a healthy, spirited, kind way. We’re hoping that TeenBeing will help more people discover Choices magazine.

So become a part of our community by visiting, commenting, sharing, and contributing to TeenBeing! We can’t wait to see you there.

Judy Goldberg, Executive Editor, Choices Magazine